Saturday, September 20, 2008

We're Back!!!

Soooo......we are finally back in the blogging world!!! We let our other blog expire and I am just now getting around to starting this new one. We have been busy since our last post. We bought a house and moved in late July.To say that Zain is a busy boy is an understatement!! If anyone has been around him, you know what I mean. He runs wherever he goes, loves to be outside, and loves our dog roscoe. He is totally into the Backyardigans and dances and sings with them every morning. He is a great dancer (a trait he inherited from his mother, no doubt).

Here are a few recent pics from our trip last week to Arkansas to visit Honey and Papa and Aunt Meridith, Eli and Olivia. Zain and Honey were getting down on the piano. The County Fair was going on while we were there. Zain loved for the baby goats to nibble on his little fingers!