Thursday, November 5, 2009

long time.....

It's been a long time since posting and since we have added a new member to the Schilling clan. Rhett Tucker arrived September 16 at 4:20 pm and weighed 6 lbs. and 13 oz. Zain loves his new little brother and wants to play with him often....kinda scary if you know Zain! Keeps me very busy!! I love our little family and am still the queen among all these boys!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Well, a lot has happened since my last post....I know, I am terrible at blogging....Zain is going to have a little brother. He will arrive at the end of September. I am praying that Zain is going to grow up a lot by then!

Here are some pics from our beach trip last week. The weather was not so, windy, and rainy.....I guess that is what happens with a tropical depression:( We did get a little bit of beach time though. Zain LOVED the water but didn't like the sand. He said it was gucky!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Zain is 2!!

Zain turned 2 on January 17th! Just like last year, he was sick on his big day. He was just getting over a 10 day stomach virus. He had so much fun at the Backyardigan party. He had lots of friends and family there to celebrate with him.

We are SO into the terrible twos. Zain's favorite word is NO! It is the universal answer to everything. He also has a bit of a temper when things don't go his way. Please tell me this gets better with time!!

Although he is very strong-willed, Zain is a loving and sweet boy. He loves group hugs and will give out some sloppy kisses. He loves following his daddy everywhere and would spend every minute with him if he could......can you blame him? lol

Monday, January 12, 2009


We had a great Christmas this year! Zain was really into his toys! I think we have a bookworm on our hands. Santa brought a four wheeler and a John Deere tractor and trailor and all kinds of toys....Zain went directly to the books and began reading!!

We celebrated Christmas everywhere....Starkville, Hollandale, Rolling Fork, and Delta City! One of the pics is from the Nuckolls Christmas with Zain and his two cousins...Eli and Olivia Bonnette. They are saying "CHEESE!!!". We enjoyed seeing our family and spending time with them!